
North County San Diego Injury Lawyers


Dog Bites More Likely in Hot Weather

While the weather is relatively warm in Valley Center and in Southern California throughout the year, the summer months can be particularly hot. According to a recent study in Scientific Reports, dog bites and animal attacks may be more likely to occur when the weather is particularly warm. The study’s findings…


Sustaining a Concussion Can Increase Your Risk of Sports Injuries in the Future

Sports-related concussions in Rancho Bernardo need to be taken extremely seriously, whether they impact minors or adults, and whether they are a first-time injury or a subsequent concussion. Concussions are mild traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). While they might be described as “mild” in comparison with more moderate or severe forms…


Ongoing Discussions About Bicycle Safety in Southern California

Bicyclists in Poway and throughout Southern California are often at risk of serious and deadly injuries in collisions involving negligent motorists. While San Diego County and Los Angeles County, for example, have taken some steps to address the high rate of bicycle injuries and deaths, such as adding new bike…


Is an Intoxicated Driver Always at Fault in an Escondido Crash?

After a motor vehicle crash in Escondido caused by a drunk driver or a drugged driver, is it a given that the intoxicated driver was at fault for the accident? In many (and even most) cases, the answer is yes, but sometimes complications can arise. Our Escondido car accident lawyers…


When Do I Need to Think About Comparative Fault in My Vista Personal Injury Case?

After any kind of serious accident or situation in Vista in which another party’s negligence or intentional wrongdoing causes a personal injury, it is important to think about filing a claim for compensation. Depending upon the cause of the injury, and the type of accident or circumstances in which the…


Escondido Bicycle Accident Lawyers

Bicycling in Escondido and throughout Southern California is a popular activity and mode of transportation, but it can also be extremely dangerous. Whether you only ride a bicycle occasionally or you are on a bike several days a week, it is essential to understand how bike crashes happen, who is…

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