Parents and guardians in San Marcos and throughout Southern California rely on daycare centers and preschools to provide care for their kids while they are working. Whenever you drop off your child at a daycare center or a preschool, you should be able to expect that your child will receive quality care and will not suffer harm as a result of the facility’s negligence. Yet injuries do happen, and it may be possible to hold one of the teachers at the facility accountable or the owner of the daycare facility itself (sometimes those parties are one and the same). What do you need to know about daycare and preschool injuries and about liability when injuries occur? Our San Marcos personal injury lawyers can provide you with more information.
Common Types of Injuries at California Preschools and Daycare Centers
Children at daycare centers and preschools can sustain many types of injuries. According to the California Childcare Health Program, the following are among the most common types of child injuries reported at preschools and daycare centers in the state: