Getting hurt in a motorcycle crash in Rancho Bernardo can be devastating. When motorcyclists are involved in collisions with cars or trucks, the motorcyclist often is the one who sustains particularly severe injuries. As the Insurance Information Institute (III) explains, “motorcycles are by their nature far less crashworthy than closed vehicles,” making motorcyclists more vulnerable in the event of an accident. While motor vehicle drivers often are at fault for motorcycle crashes in Southern California, motorcyclists can also bear some responsibility for the collision. If you were involved in a motorcycle accident and you think you may have been partially to blame, you may be wondering: Should I still file a claim even if I am partially at fault?
Generally speaking, it is extremely important to file a claim even if you think you may bear some responsibility for the crash. Yet perhaps even more importantly, you should know the proper steps for moving forward with your claim to give yourself the best chance at obtaining full compensation for your losses.
Do Not Admit Fault—Even if You Think You Might be Partially to Blame