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Prevent Swimming Pool Injuries with Simple Precautions
As summer arrives, swimming pools take center stage in lives of thousands of Southern California families. This entry is a friendly reminder of the simple steps that can be taken to avoid serious injury or death caused by the backyard pool.
The first one is a no-brainer. Never let children swim in the pool unattended or unsupervised. If toddlers are in the pool, keep them at arms-length at all times. These simple steps can prevent an accidental drowning, and a failure to do this is negligence.
It is also a good idea to have a phone handy when you’re at poolside. Whether it’s a cordless from inside the house, or a cell phone, it will be invaluable to have it nearby if emergency assistance is needed.

After children are finished swimming for day, close the pool, if possible, in a manner that will prevent young children from getting back in the water. Whether it means locking the house door, closing the pool fence, or netting the top of the pool, it is important to prevent reentry for the day once swimming is over.
Finally, to adults, go easy on the alcohol. Poolside drinking can slow reaction time and impair decision making abilities.
Following these simple rules will prevent most injuries or fatalities related to swimming pools. Have fun… but be smart.